Sunday, May 25

Keyed Up

For someone who is essentially homeless at the moment, I have a ridiculous number of keys in my pocket. I have:
Marie-Eve's keys (where I was living for the last 3 months - I will return them soon)
Shane's keys (Where I am catsitting until tomorrow)
Emily's key's (Where I may move to tomorrow, and where most of my stuff is)
Eileen's keys (the other place I may live in for the next couple of weeks)
The DIRA keys (so I can open up for marching band practice tomorrow)
The Office keys (although the office moved this weekend, I still have to go back there to collect the mail)
That's a total of 12 keys. For a while today I had the new office keys too, but I gave them back.

Off now to get ready for tonight's performance of "I'm Your Man" - in four part harmony and drag. Pics and maybe even video will be posted when I can.