Thursday, June 26

leaving paris

So after my wonderfully relaxing week in paris, i manage to leave in typical disorganised style. Having exhausted rideshare opportunities and decided i wasn't happy doing what would probably end up being 2 days of hitching on my own, i succumbed and decided to take the bus. I carefully checked the website, and turned up at the bus station nice and early to buy a ticket. And found i had misread the time by two hours. That was 19.30, not 9.30. Brilliant. But, as luck would have it there was a bus to frankfurt leaving in less than two minutes, and, once the ticket guy had asked them to wait for me, i was able to buy a ticket and jump on a bus. Which is where i now am. I think that when i arrive at frankfurt, at 6am or so, i will either find another bus, or some internet to arrange an instant rideshare, or a highway to stand on. After all, i'll be practically in berlin, right? and should have no problem getting a ride...?