Tuesday, May 8

Bored Now.

I realised the other day that I've just past my previous record for time spent in Brisbane since 2002. My previous record was 4 months - last year when I was here for a Whole Semester of uni.

On a wholly unrelated note, I've been dissatisfied in a completely non-specific way the last few days. I decided tonight it's because I'm bored. Sure, I have work, which is interesting (and which started again today - I'm doing two days a week), and assignments and translations that need doing, and a small but dedicated group of friends, but I'm still bored somehow.

However, my stars for tomorrow, according to the cut&paste marvel that is mX, say "You are trapped in a rut of your own making, yet feel powerless to change things. Fortunately ... destiny could soon push you in an entirely different direction".
So maybe that will help the boredom?