Tuesday, April 3

The mysterious life of Kat.

So my life isn't really that mysterious. I haven't been writing about it because it seems so ridiculously busy and complicated that writing anything seemed too difficult. So I'll just write a list that explains how almost every minute of my life is timetabled.
Most of my life is taken up with work, and study. More the work than the study, I have to admit. I now work on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I have uni classes on wednesday and Thursday evenings. On Monday nights I go to belly dancing (although I think I'm going to drop that in favour of a second yoga class after Easter), on Tuesday evenings it's choir rehearsal, Wednesday mornings I have a yoga class, Thursday afternoons a training class organised for QUT staff (I like being employed by an enormous organisation that does free things for its staff!). Friday afternoons sees me (and Sean) at a French lesson in town, after which we usually hang out at Rowan and Klaus's for the evening. Saturday and Sunday aren't usually overly scheduled, but I do have to do readings for uni, housework and shopping etc somtimes. I also have wednesday afternoons and friday mornings "free" for these things, but it never seems like enough time!